Sunday, November 24, 2013

Thoughts about Gagen's Opinion Piece

Watching the events of the Boston Marathon Bombings unfold during a journalism class last semester was a truly remarkable experience. We were able to process and discuss in an academic setting the aftermath and reporting taking place live on-the-scene. I definitely think it is appropriate for Thomas Gagen to post an opinion piece like this less than a year after the bombings. There is no doubt that a horrendous event occurred that left many families broken, but certain actions should be questioned further. I think Gagen did a good job of delicately stating discrepancies of the April 19 response while also maintaining a somber and professional attitude.

I agree that one of the biggest questions about the response is why so many police officers were needed to find one already injured man. "Surely the Watertown police needed help, but did the presence of so many officers encourage more gunfire than was necessary?" Shutting down Watertown and searching the houses within the perimeter not only infringed on the people's Fourth Amendment rights, but it also raised the state of public panic. Of course there was a cause to be afraid of, The Tsarnaev brothers set off bombs, but instating a lock down over an entire town was quite an anomaly.

Looking at the comments section below the article, some said that the people gladly went along with the lock down and search, indicating that the police did the right thing. Sure there were no reports of protesting the mandatory house stay, but I mean, wouldn't you stay inside if swarms of officers and guns were in your neighborhood? I know I would. To end his questions, Gagen presents a clear and succinct plan of action he thinks should be done. One that includes "an authoritative study, commissioned by the Patrick administration, but independent of state government." I agree that a period of analysis and reflection should be done so the events of the marathon bombings can be explained and applied to future instances.

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