Sunday, October 27, 2013

EJ Pitch Review 2- Focused Fencing

Here is my pro/con list for Corinne's Focused Fencing EJ project pitch.

  • Title page: clean, concise, love the mantra and the graphic. 
  • Idea: right off you state your specific and direct explanation of services and consumer base. I'm following and on board right away.
  • Slide 3: love the graphics! It adds color and shows your market. Way to multitask.
  • Slide 6: thorough and well-thought out plan for distribution and workload. Shows that you are realistic and organized.
  • Overall: layout of proposed magazine content is clear and well-rounded. Can meet a lot of interest withing your field
  • Great closing slide!
  • Background: Simple is always good. My personal preference is to have a splash of repeating color
  • Identification: I assume you did this in the audio, but having your name and info on the PP might be good
  • Slide 2: slightly awkward wording on the middle point
  • Typos: Minor, but noticeable. Slide 4: is also a growing sport, Slide 5: includes
  • Focused Fencing concept: having a paid print edition and a free online edition is interesting. One one hand, it lets consumers choose exactly what they want. On the other hand, it might come back to bite you. What if you print and have no subscriptions? Is printing based on demand? 
It's unfortunate that we're all having such troubles with the audio because after looking at Corinne's PP, I'd really like to hear her pitch it. The PP presentation is laid out in a business-like manner, but with some fun graphics added in. I'm curious about how she chose to present her spoken component.

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